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The Twin’s Odyssey
15 Feb/2024

The Twin’s Odyssey

Judul: The Twin’s Odyssey

Penulis: Kjara Kadija

Editor: Nopiranti

Halaman: vi, 124 hlm, 14,8 x 21 cm

Cetakan: Pertama, Februari 2024

Penerbit: Pustaka Mediaguru






The Twin’s Odyssey is a thrilling space travel adventure that follows the extraordinary journey of identical twins, Ajax and Kenzo Gallagher, two mischievous 14 years old boys who inadvertently stumble upon a legendary weapon called the Chrono Blaster with the ability to create portals through time and alternate universes. What starts as a misadventure to change their school grades turns into an epic quest as they find themselves transported to different periods and dimensions.


As Ajax and Kenzo transverse through different worlds, they learn valuable lessons about courage, sacrifice, and the enduring power of hope. They confront formidable foes while seeking to unlock the secrets of this mysterious gun. Along the way, they transform from schoolyard troublemakers into heroes on a mission to change history and protect the fabric of time and space itself.